Dealing With Back Pain On Vacation in Vineland

Vacation is a time to relax, to enjoy your time away from home and work, and to generally revitalize yourself. Therefore, there’s nothing worse than dealing with back pain on vacation. It gets you down, stops you from doing the things you want to do, and generally makes you miserable and unhappy. Your whole vacation becomes a waste. The reason for this post is that I recently went on vacation and had a few issues myself, so thought it would be a perfect subject to discuss to help others, particularly as we see many people from out of state and country coming to Ocean City to vacation themselves. Some of which make it into our Vineland chiropractic office for treatment.
If you already suffer from back pain, you likely already know that long flights, car rides, lugging your baggage around, and long traveling times can dramatically affect the pain levels of your back, because you are not able to move around as you normally would. So we will look at some things we can do to help you while you are on vacation anywhere.
Prevention is Better than Cure
Firstly, if you do have back issues, you should prepare ahead of time. Your first port of call should be to your chiropractor to be adjusted. If you can, do this as close to your departure as possible for it to have a maximum effect, a day before you fly out if possible. A spinal adjustment will decompress the joints, allowing for a better range of motion and to keep inflammation down. It may also be a good idea to go to your primary doctor as well to get a supply of anti-inflammatory medication to get you through if the pain gets too bad while you’re away. Although I believe in chiropractic care to manage pain and am not a big fan of medication when you’re away on vacation it might not be as easy to see a doctor or even a chiropractor, so it’s best to cover your bases as best you can.
Top Tips To Help With Back Pain On Vacation In Vineland
The first thing to do before getting in the car for a long ride, or on a plane for a flight is to do some stretching beforehand to try and loosen up your muscles and to open up your joints. Moreover, when you arrive at your destination, do the same thing to help get rid of any stiffness, and to get your blood flowing again.
While you are flying, it can be very cramped, so every 20 minutes or so, just stand up by your seat to stretch a little bit, walk up and down the cabin to move your joints can help tremendously.
At many airports, you will see massage therapists help you. For example, there’s one in Philly airport and because back issues are so common these days, they are becoming more and more popular. Having a massage before your flight will help to relax your muscles, which in turn will take the stress off of your joints, thus providing some relief there as well.
Once you are at your destination and are settled in your hotel room, then the number one thing you can do to manage your back pain is ice. Most hotels will have ice available, so make up an ice pack and ice your back for 20 minutes or so. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may want to do this a few times a day. But ice will get your inflammation down and thus reduce pressure on your back.
Many hotels also offer massage and spa facilities, so by all means explore these options too.
Finally, if the pain is still there, and all the above have not helped and your medication providing the merest of relief, then see if you can find a chiropractor to help you. As previously mentioned, I see many people who are on vacation here in Myrtle Beach and have helped them to manage their back pain on vacation. I see plenty of golfers who come from out of state and a back adjustment has helped their game a lot.
If you are on vacation here or need an adjustment before you go, get in contact with me. You can call the office at (856) 690-8883 or message me on Facebook and I can see what I can do to help you. Check out our services page to see what else we can do to help you.
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3:00pm - 6:00pm
*We now take walk-ins and appointments*
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
*We now take walk-ins and appointments*
Back Pain Relief Center
1133 East Chestnut Avenue #2
Vineland, NJ 08360